Bill of Rights and Responsibilities/Essential Partners

The Glens Falls City School District offers free public education to all school age students in the district regardless of race, sex, national origin or handicapping conditions. As members of the school community, students are entitled to certain rights that are defined for their awareness and protection. Students also have certain responsibilities to themselves, to fellow students, to their teachers and to other school personnel. 

 However, the students’ prime responsibility is recognized as being the personal advancement of their education and career goals within a framework that is civically responsible and socially appropriate. 

Equally significant is the fact that others, including parents, teachers, counselors, administrators, other district Employees, the Board of Education, and visitors or vendors have a responsibility to students in the acquisition of their educational development and in providing for their personal safety. 

The shared responsibility is the basis for a strong commitment to provide a reasonable and responsive educational program that will prepare students for a future that is appropriate both for their interest and aptitude, and for the needs of the society in which they live. 

Civility in relation to people of different races, weights, national origins, ethnic groups, religion, religious practices, physical or mental abilities, sexual orientations, genders or sex is an essential expectation and responsibility of all students, school personnel, the Board of Education, and visitors or vendors.

Student Rights

1.Students have the right to pursue an education in an atmosphere that is safe and conducive to learning, and to achieve all that they are capable of achieving.
2. Students have the right to enroll in courses of study for which they are qualified.
3. Students have the right to be respected as individuals.
4. Students have the right to procedural due process guaranteed by the United States Constitution and New York Education law.
5. Students have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression to the degree that the exercise of their freedom does not interfere with the educational process or infringe upon the rights of others.
6. Students have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression to the degree that the exercise of their freedom does not interfere with the educational process or infringe upon the rights of others.
7. Students have the right to make recommendations through the student government regarding school rules, school regulations or issues pertaining to student organizations. 

Student Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the students to:

1. Conduct themselves with respect toward self, fellow students, teachers and others.
2. Strive to achieve to their fullest potential in all areas.
3. Follow all reasonable directives of the faculty and administration.
4. Strive to fulfill all classroom obligations to teachers.
5. Demonstrate respect for school property and for the property of others.
6. Demonstrate appropriate conduct and a positive attitude in school activities.
7. Dress in a clean, safe and presentable manner.
8. Be familiar with and abide by all district policies, rules, and regulations dealing with student conduct.

Role of the Parent

It is the responsibility of the parent to:

1. Recognize that the primary responsibility for a child’s welfare and development rests with the parent.
2. Teach the child by word and example, respect for law and authority.
3. Encourage the child to learn and respect the rights of others.
4. Encourage the child to attend school.
5. Know and understand the rules and regulations a child is required to observe at school.
6. Become familiar with handbooks provided.
7. Provide guidance for the child to develop socially appropriate standards of conduct and behavior.
8. Strive to maintain the child in good physical, mental and emotional health.
9. Require the child to dress in a clean, safe and presentable manner.
10. Provide encouragement and support for the child in completing homework assignments.
11. Seek involvement in the child’s school, its teachers, programs and activities as well as to attend parent conferences and school functions.
12.  Inform school officials of changes in the home environment that may affect student conduct or performance 

Role of the Faculty and Staff:

It is the responsibility of the faculty and staff to:

1. Demonstrate, by work and action, respect for law, order, and self-discipline.
2. Provide students with direction and guidance that will assist them in thinking, reasoning and in being responsible for their actions.
3. Keep students and parents informed regarding student development and progress.
4. Treat students as individuals.
5. Express enthusiasm and concern for teaching and learning.
6. Involve himself or herself in the enforcement of school rules and regulations regarding student conduct, and to require the appropriate student observance of the rules and regulations.
7. Be consistent, fair and firm in dealing with students both in and out of the classroom.
8. Reinforce positive student behavior.
9. Seek appropriate resources to bring about positive change in student behavior.
10. Continue to grow professionally in matters relating to positive student behavior.
11. Inform students and parents regarding curriculum at various grade levels.

Role of the Building Administration

It is the responsibility of the building administration to:

1. Create an environment that is conducive to learning.
2. Exercise the authority delegated by the Superintendent of Schools.
3. Be consistent, fair and firm in making decisions that affect students, staff and parents.
4. Develop procedures which reduce the likelihood of student misconduct; this includes the authority to administer tests on suspicious substances, administer breath tests on students and to use metal detection devices if a reasonable suspicion exists that a student possesses or is under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or is in possession of a weapon.
5. Demonstrate, by word and example, respect for law and order, self-discipline, and a sincere concern for all persons under his/her authority.
6. Develop reasonable and effective class schedules and teaching assignments for students and staff.
7. Set up and maintain open lines of communication with students, staff and parents.
8. Become involved with students by attending and supervising school activities and by visiting classrooms.
9. Work with students, teachers, counselors and parents to establish cooperative techniques for bringing about positive student behavior.
10. Provide for the clear dissemination of rules and regulations to students, staff and parents.
11. Provide students and staff the rights of due process and equal protection that are guaranteed under the law.

Role of the Superintendent

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to:

  1. Promote a safe, orderly and stimulating school environment, supporting active teaching and learning.
  2. Review with the district administrators the policies of the Board of Education and state and federal laws relating to school operations and management.
  3. Inform the Board of Education about educational trends relating to student discipline. 
  4. Work to create instructional programs that minimize problems of misconduct and are sensitive to student and teacher needs.
  5. Work with district administrators in enforcing the code of conduct and ensuring that all cases are resolved promptly and fairly.

Role of the Board of Education

It is the responsibility of the Board of Education to:

1. Collaborate with student, teacher, administrator, and parent organizations, school safety personnel and other school personnel to develop a code of conduct that clearly defines expectations for the conduct of students, district personnel and visitors on school property and at school functions.
2. Adopt and review at least once a year the district’s code of conduct to evaluate the code’s effectiveness and the fairness and consistency of its implementation.