Students Participate in Worldwide Learning Event “Hour of Code”

Hour of Code

This week our computer labs and classrooms will be buzzing with excitement as students in all grade levels will have the opportunity to participate in “Hour of Code.”  This is a worldwide computer science movement that coincides with National Computer Science Education Week (December 4 – 8, 2023). 

Hour of Code is an introduction to computer science through fun activities and videos for students with varying coding experience. Students and parents/guardians can access the  Hour of Code Website containing new activities, videos, and links. These typically “playtime” games are turned into serious lessons about computer science.

For 2023, the activities were curated by Instructional Technology Specialist and HS VEX Robotics Coach, Carole Geruso. Dozens of interesting and creative activities on the site are grouped by age level for students and families to dive right in! Elementary-aged students can take a trip under the sea using block code in Minecraft: Voyage Aquatic.

Middle school students can create their own 3-D/Augmented Reality solar system or investigate how artificial intelligence and drones are reshaping farming practices in “Old MacDonald Hacked A Farm.” 

High school students can explore building their own app similar to the Play That Tune app, part of mobile computer science principles — or learn how to encrypt or decrypt messages using a Caesar cipher.  

We are always trying to expose our students to the great opportunities in the STEM fields,” says IT Director Paul Streicher. “Hour of Code is a great way for all students to try coding. Many students who initially thought they would not be able to learn coding were pleasantly surprised and developed an interest and appreciation for it.”