Middle School Frequently Asked Questions

When are the student arrival and departure times?

There is outdoor supervision from 8:03 a.m. until 8:23 a.m. each morning. Students should not arrive before that time.

Breakfast is available from 8:03-8:23 in the cafeteria.

Middle School doors open at 8:23 a.m.

Students need to be seated in Advocacy by 8:28 a.m.

Students arriving after 8:28 a.m. will be considered tardy and should stop at the attendance office for a pass to class.

The school day ends at 3:03 p.m.

What should I do if my child is sick?

If your child is sick, please call the attendance office at 518-832-4531. Upon returning to school, please send a note with the date and the reason for the absence.

What if I need to pick up my child early?

A note to the attendance office for early dismissal is necessary. If time does not permit, a phone call is helpful so we can have your child ready when you get here.

Do you have a Lost and Found?

If your child has misplaced something, please have them check the cubbies outside the cafeteria or the black bins located in the nurses office. Reminder notices will be sent out with report cards and any items not claimed within the time frame given will be donated.

When can my child get extra help from a teacher?

On Tuesdays and Thursdays teachers are available for after school help from 3:03 p.m. until 3:33 p.m. If students are asked to stay for extra help, they may use the phone outside the main office to call home.

What’s for lunch?

If you would like a lunch menu, they are available on the school website. There are copies of the monthly menus on the counter outside the main office. Breakfast is available from 8:03-8:23 in the cafeteria. Please note the prices for 2019-20:

Breakfast – $ 1.75
Lunch – $ 2.50
Milk – $ .65

What is the Parent Portal, and how can I log in?

Our district uses eSchool Data Parent Portal to connect with families on student schedules, grades, attendance, discipline records, report cards and progress reports. All of this information is now accessible via the internet at your convenience. If you haven’t logged in to your account, please stop by the guidance office to get started. A driver’s license is required of the parent.

How do I schedule conferences with teachers?

6th – 8th grade conferences can be scheduled by calling or e-mailing your child’s guidance counselor at 518-793-3410. 5th grade conferences can be scheduled by e-mailing or calling your child’s homeroom teacher. A message can be left with the main office at 518-793-3418 for the teacher to return your call.

Are there after-school activities for my child?

There are many clubs and activities your child can become involved in. The packet is available at open house or on the rack outside the main office during the school year. Students should listen to the morning announcements for upcoming events.