100+ High School VIP award-winners put core values into action

bulletin board display with colorful post-it notes describing VIP students and their accomplishments
The High School is celebrating its VIP students for Fall 2020

More than 100 Glens Falls High School students were recognized this fall with a VIP award for putting one of the school’s core values into action:

  • Positivity (optimism, the student views challenges as opportunities for growth)
  • Kindness (the student is friendly and generous, the student builds others up)
  • Perseverance (persistence, the student doesn’t give up easily or may be making hard-fought improvements)
  • Love of Learning (the student is curious and has a thirst for deeper understanding)
  • GF Nation Spirit (the student demonstrates leadership and respect, donates time and energy to the community)

Each student’s dedication was celebrated with a certificate, and hopes that the traditional recognition breakfast may be able to return next year. Please scroll down to read about each of the VIP award-winners’ recognition. Congratulations to all!

Addison Hill:  Love of Learning
Addison always asks questions in order to further understand a concept. She is always the person who wants to know more and dive deeper on a topic. She has gone above and beyond on all laboratory assignments this year.

Adria Goodrich: Love of Learning
Adria is all virtual, but she does an excellent job of staying on task during the entire lesson and she often helps me out by answering Qs in chat before I have a chance to see them. She is like my virtual teaching assistant. It is appreciated!

Aiden Gormley: Love of Learning
Aiden really enjoys applying his knowledge of finance.

Aiden Gormley: GFNation Spirit
Aiden brightens up the class period by his fun drawings, his interesting comments and his humor – on Google meets and in class. I always can count on him when I need some inspiration!

Aiden Hirsch: Love of Learning
Aiden enjoys learning about finance

Alexis Bohlman: Positivity
Thank you Alexis for never letting me down!  Your eagerness to please is appreciated!

Amanda Maurer: Love of Learning
Amanda is KEY to our classroom running smoothly. She is a natural born leader and the kids admire and look up to her. She uses her leadership to help the class be fun and engaging.

Amber Bullard: Perseverance
In the face of many challenges Amber continues to meet virtually, she has remained optimistic and will sit for the official TASC exam this coming weekend.

Amy Whalen: Love of Learning
Amy has done a nice job in Global and shows great interest in the subject!

Andrew Harrington: Perseverance
Andrew came into the school year determined to improve his grades.  He has worked hard to make that happen, and his report card shows great results!

Andrew Harrington: Kindness
Andrew contributes to class discussions – even on Google meets! He always helps the class out when they are struggling. He always makes people feel better.

Andrew Nelson: Love of Learning
Andrew is an asset to our class through his innovative discussion responses and positive  work ethic, he models exemplary student leadership.

Angela Morrison: Perseverance
Angela has done a great job at completing and turning in assignments this quarter!

Angela Morrison: Love of Learning
Angela is always engaged in her work and puts countless time and effort into everything she turns in!

Annalysse Wilson: Positivity
Annalysse always brings positive energy.

Annalysse Wilson: Love of Learning
Annalysse has shown great effort and consistently asks excellent questions in order to understand what she is learning in Spanish 2.

Aria Hayner: Perseverance
Aria has made great strides since last year.  She has continued to impress me this year with her improved maturity and determination to make sure she is caught up on all of her assignments.

Ashley Bordeaux: Love of Learning
Ashley always does great work.

Ava Hubany: Love of Learning
Thank you Ava for never letting me down!  Your eagerness to do well is appreciated!

Ava LaVine: Love of Learning
Ava has done a great job in getting involved in group work and helping out those around her whether she is virtual that day or in person. She always participates!

Ava Snyder: Perseverance
Ava has worked very hard to be successful in Global History this year. Despite any setbacks, she never lets anything stop her and remains interested and committed to learning. Keep up the great work Ava!

Ava Snyder: Love of Learning
Through her consistent dedication to learning Ava has earned the highest average in her Spanish 2 class for the first marking period.

Ben DiFiore: Love of Learning
Ben shows a great understanding of finance.

Brianna Rolleston: Positivity
Bri always helps out with class discussions and helps others understand the curriculum. Thank you, Bri.

Brooke Bennett: Perseverance
Brooke has done a great job at completing and turning in assignments this quarter!

Brooke Willett: Perseverance
I’m in awe that after a significant traumatic event and injury, you were emailing me and teachers because you were concerned about school!  I admire your strength and dedication to your academic achievement, despite challenging circumstances. Your perseverance deserves recognition!

Caeden Pryor: Perseverance
Caeden has done a great job completing work and turning it in on time, even when it gets tough!

Caeden Pryor: Perseverance
Caeden’s willingness to power through when he’s stuck on a problem sets such a wonderful example in the classroom. He never gives up, constantly trying new things, taking my feedback and adjusting his thinking.

Cam Barry: Love of Learning
Cam always works very hard!

Camryn Miner: Perseverance
Camryn has worked very hard to reach success in the first quarter.  Her perseverance is to be commended.

Cara Hayes: Perseverance
Cara is working so hard, never missing a meet or an assignment! I’m so proud of you-keep up the good work!

Cara Hayes: Perseverance
Cara has done a phenomenal job this year! Keep up the great work!

Charlotte Hosler: Love of Learning
Your hard work in algebra class is very impressive. Thank you for always putting forth such a high level of effort.

Charlotte Hosler: Positivity
Charlotte’s effort is unmatched, even when she is struggling or when she is overwhelmed. She can get anxious about due dates and workload, but always steps up to the plate to make sure her responsibilities are taken care of. She is open to help and guidance and is always willing to learn from her mistakes.

Charlotte MacPherson: Positivity
Thank you Charlotte for never letting me down.  Your eagerness to do well is appreciated!

Chase Clark: Perseverance
Chase works hard in French class and asks good questions. He also has a positive attitude towards learning. Keep up your efforts!

Ciara Hirsch: Positivity
Ciara is our “social skills coordinator” because she always tries to make others feel welcome and bring some joy to the classroom. Kids enjoy her and she makes learning more fun.

Clara Avery: Love of Learning
Clara always goes above and beyond in French class. She puts in extra effort to supplement her learning and take it to the next level. Keep up the good work!

Cole Bennett: Love of Learning
Cole is always full of energy and ready to learn.

Cole Bennett: Positivity
Cole always has an upbeat personality no matter in school or online, he brings a positive attitude to our class and his classmates feed off of it. Whether it is a resounding “Good morning” on our google meets or an opportunity to talk to his classmates, Cole radiates positive and great energy each day.

Cole Bennett: Positivity
The class is always better when Cole is here. He adds a positive energy to the learning environment and always contributes to Google meets.

Cyrus Pichler: Love of Learning
Cyrus has done great work with outstanding discussions.

Dan Florio: Love of Learning
Dan always does great work.

Dante Conklin: Perseverance
Dante is an all-virtual student who has made significant strides in his work ethic this year by submitting all his assignments and attending (virtual) class regularly.

Don Kist: Perseverance
Don has done a great job completing and turning in assignments this quarter!

Dylan Anselment: Positivity
Dylan is always upbeat and includes others during breakout groups on line. He is always ready to go for whatever the lesson includes for that day!

Dylan Baker: Perseverance
Dylan is determined and engaged in all classes either virtual or in person!

Dylan Carter: Positivity
Dylan’s approach to this year has been mature and successful.  His communication and cooperation is better than ever!

Elijah O’Sick Johnson: Love of Learning
Eli works very hard and has excellent participation in French class. Keep up your efforts and you will go far!

Ella Kules: GFNation Spirit
Sydney and Ella have spearheaded some volunteer opportunities including adding to the PTSA donation bins and reaching out the elementary school to have high school students read books for our elementary students. They did this independently- awesome leadership!

Ella Kules: Love of Learning
Ella expresses a clear curiosity in trying to further understand the course subject matter. She always asks poignant questions and helps to extend her knowledge by diving deeper into the content and concepts discussed in class. Great work Ella! Thank you!

Eloise Duggal: Love of Learning
Eloise contributes positively to French class with her excellent participation and willingness to make mistakes and learn from them. She has learned so much this year. Keep on evolving!

Eloise Duggal: Kindness
The first day when I had zero clue how to run a Google Meet, Eloise took the time out of HER first day to help me. I will never forget her kindness.  She continues to help me and others and doesn’t shy away from letting her obvious kindness show.

Emberlynn Wallace: Positivity
Emberlynn is a positive influence in French class. She has excellent participation and is doing very well. Keep up your efforts!

Emily Whalen: Perseverance
Your hard work in algebra class has been impressive! Thank you for always putting forth such a strong effort!

Emma Otto: Perseverance
Emma has been pushing through and conquering virtual learning even when it’s overwhelming!

Eric Delvaux: Perseverance
Eric has been doing a fantastic job from home so far this year.
 He is prompt to enter our virtual class, isn’t afraid to email me with any questions, and it’s great to still be able to see him during both lessons and orchestra!

Eric Delvaux: Kindness
Eric never misses a meet or an assignment. He asks good questions, communicates with his teachers, and will help other students out on Google Meets.  His kindness to others is apparent!! Keep it up, Eric!

Eric Delvaux: Love of Learning
Eric’s maturity and eagerness to do well is both impressive and appreciated.  Thank you Eric!

Evan Wiggins: Love of Learning
Evan has done great work.

Fiona Bombard: Positivity
Fiona keeps the class lively with her excellent participation and willingness to make mistakes and learn from them. Keep on evolving!

Fiona Bombard: Kindness
There are SO many times Fiona will help me in the classroom – especially with Google meets or technology – and without my asking. She just naturally wants to help others and is not afraid to help her teacher.  She also is a leader by her desire to do and be her best. Her classmates and I are grateful for her kindness.

Frank Haggerty: Love of Learning
Frank has done great work.

Gabrielle Houde: Positivity
Gabrielle’s positive contributions improve the quality of each class!

Garrett Pereira: Love of Learning
Garrett enjoys learning about finance.

Gauge Dillingham: Perseverance
Gauge came back full-time and has used this to his advantage, getting himself caught up and improving his learning which in turn improved his grade. He has wonderful insights that he shares in class discussions and doesn’t give up when a problem is challenging.

Gauge Dillingham: Perseverance
Gauge has done a great job completing and turning in assignments, even when they get tough!

Gavin Holligan: Positivity
You bring positivity and optimism to most situations. Thank you for being an important part of our class!

Gavin Holligan: Perseverance
Gavin has done a great job completing and turning in assignments this quarter!

Greg Breault: Love of Learning
Greg’s maturity and eagerness to do well is impressive and appreciated.  Thank you Greg!

Griffin Woodell: GFNation Spirit
Griffin’s kind, positive, and welcoming demeanor is contagious to those around him.  Griffin makes GF Nation a better place to be!  Thank you Griffin!

Hannah Kingsley: Love of Learning
Hannah has read the MOST books in the class. I am so proud of her love for reading!!!

Hannah Richardson: Perseverance
Hannah is working hard and making progress in French. She has excellent class participation, despite having to learn from home. Continue your good efforts!

Haylee Girard: Love of Learning
Haylee has done a great job!

Heather Runnalls: Kindness
Heather is positive and polite. She is engaging and actively participates in class discussions. Her smile can be felt even though it’s covered by a mask.

Hilary Burns: Kindness
Whenever I ask Hilary to help me, she is ALWAYS there to lend a helping hand – from day one. Her leadership and positivity keep our class moving in the right direction. She is an integral part of our learning environment.

Imani Chandler: Positivity
Imani is always in class (virtually), upbeat and optimistic. I love hearing her log in and yell “Miss McLeeeeod, I miss you!”. It really makes my day.

Isabella Bullard: Positivity
I would like to recognize Bella for her positive attitude during what has been a tough road in education.  She is working harder than ever and recognizes the opportunity on line classes are for a student who’s own health has limited time in class previously.  Thank you for that positive fighting spirit!

Isaiah Scully: Perseverance
Isaiah has done a great job working through tough material and completing assignments!

Isaiah Scully: Perseverance
Isaiah has put forth great effort and always tries his best!

Jack Sweet: Love of Learning
Jack goes above and beyond to demonstrate his curiosity and love of learning!

Jackson “JB” Brand: Love of Learning
Jackson has done a great job this year.

Jacob Bennett: Perseverance
Jacob always works very hard.

Jamana Awan: Love of Learning
Jamana is positive, kind and has excellent participation. She is very intelligent and has learned a lot so far this year. Keep up the good work!

Jamana Awan: Kindness
Jamana has such a positive attitude and truly wants to help her classmates and her teacher. She makes the learning environment a better place.

Jasmine Miller: Positivity
Jasmine’s daily approach is impressive and exciting!  Thank you Jasmine for all you do!

Jasmine Miller: Positivity
Jasmine cares about school and is very positive. She adds a spark to the classroom by her desire to learn and do her best and her conversation. She greets me every day and always wants to chat. She just brightens my day!

Jazmine Goodness: Perseverance
Jazmine has maintained a clear interest and curiosity for learning despite any setback that she may be facing. She consistently participates in class and maintains a positive approach to everything we do! Thank you!

Jensen Heym: Perseverance
Jensen is a great role model in class for others.

Jillian Hammill: Love of Learning
Jillian goes the extra mile to make sure every single problem is worked out to completion.  Her attention to detail is meticulous.

Jillian Hammill: Kindness
Jillian will stay after to help me clean my room and always offers to help by reading in class, answering questions, and helping others when they are confused. She is a true gem!

Julian Stedman: Kindness
When I learned of the concern you expressed for a teammate this fall I was impressed by your kindness.  Thank you for leading by example in demonstrating empathy and support for others.

Julian Stedman: Love of Learning
I am very impressed with Julian’s love of learning. His work ethic is outstanding and impressive. He is a joy to have in the classroom!

Julian Stedman: Love of Learning
Julian demonstrates exemplary effort and willingness ask excellent questions to further his understanding in Spanish 3.  He is an absolute pleasure to teach.

Justin Heym: Perseverance
Justin is starting to understand that he knows a lot more about math than he thinks he knows. His confidence in his math skills is growing by leaps and bounds.

Katherine Lieberth: Love of Learning
Katherine always does outstanding work.

Katherine Lieberth: Love of Learning
Katherine consistently goes above and beyond what is asked of her in Spanish 3.  She asks excellent questions to further her understanding and seeks out feedback to improve her writing on a regular basis.

Keegan Hoffman: Perseverance
Keegan works very hard in French class to make progress and asks good questions. He is also polite and courteous. Keep up your good effort!

Kegan Gray: Perseverance
I had Kegan has a 9th grader, a few months as an 11th grader and now as a senior. It is so great to see how she has persevered in her work to do her absolute best. She has clearly worked at becoming an excellent student.

Kendall Gross: Love of Learning
Kendall has a drive to succeed and she always has a positive contribution to make to class discussions!

Laci Robinson: Positivity
Laci has done a nice job in global and is always up to the challenge!

Lanie Patchen: Perseverance
Lanie works so hard on her assignments. She is very open to the feedback I give her and willingly takes that information and applies it as she reworks problems and adjusts her thinking.

Leland Haas: Positivity
Leland is taking care of business this year with a “can do” attitude!  His cooperation and participation has paid off with a successful marking period in math!

Leonard Fronhofer: Love of Learning
Leonard always does great work.

Liam Burgess: Positivity
Liam always has a positive comment to add to class!

Lily Mulholland: Love of Learning
Lily has done AMAZING work with brilliant ideas.

Lionna Patrick: Love of Learning
Lionna loves to learn and always tries to do her best. She is a perfectionist and strives to do her best in everything she does.

Madeline Clouse: Perseverance
Madeline works very hard in French class and has made excellent progress. Keep up your dedication to learning!

Madison Sopok: Positivity
Madison is cooperative and fully participates in the math class.  Thank you Madison for all you do!

Madison Sopok: GFNation Spirit
Madison has voluntarily helped her peers understand challenging material and has embodied the GF Spirit by encouraging others to reach their potential, while maintaining her own.

Mae Tallon: Love of Learning
Through her consistent dedication to learning Mae has earned the highest average in her Spanish 2 class for the first marking period.

Maeve Peabody: Positivity
Despite being all-virtual during the first marking period, Maeve has remained  in-touch and in-contact with her daily lessons and makes an attempt to participate often. During these times, it has been difficult on many of us, but Maeve has clearly been trying to make the best of the situation. Great job Maeve!

Maeve Peabody: Love of Learning
Even though you have been learning remotely this year, your high level of engagement in economics class has been impressive. Please keep it up!

Malori Pomykaj: Perseverance
Malori has done a great job at completing and turning in assignments this quarter!

Mason Nunziata: Perseverance
Mason has done a nice job working through class, even when it gets difficult!

Mason Nunziata: Perseverance
Mason will be the first to tell you how much he hates math and how hard it is for him. I’ve seen so much growth and learning as he powers through the lessons. He has such wonderful ideas that he shares with us as we talk about math.

Massimo Nassivera: Love of Learning
Massimo is always willing to give an answer to a question in class, whether it is in person or virtually.  Thank you for working so hard and giving your best effort!

Matthew Murray: Positivity
Matt’s cooperation and participation has impressed me all marking period.  Way to go Matt!

Vivian Bayle: Positivity
Vivian always brings a positive energy to class.

Morrison Northrop: GFNation Spirit
Mo ALWAYS is there for me – to lend a helping hand, to help with Google meets, to create break out rooms. She is the consummate professional and the class and I couldn’t survive without Mo!

Natalia Steves: Love of Learning
Natalia has a wonderful interest in and appetite for the study of history. She always asks questions to get to deeper understanding and often shares her views about the events and people we are discussing.

Natalia Steves: Love of Learning
Natalia always has an insightful contribution to make to class discussions.

Natalie Baxter: Positivity
Natalie’s positive nature abounds and brightens each class!

Natasha Sheppard: Perseverance
Natasha has done a great job at completing and turning in her assignments!

Natavia Patterson: Love of Learning
Natavia has done a great job adjusting to GFHS and always contributes to thoughtful discussion.

Natavia Patterson: Love of Learning
Natavia is a hard working and determined student. She only turns in her very best work!

Nate Greenwood: Kindness
Nate is so kind to everyone. He is able to intuitively read the people around him and help those in need.

Nathan Rivers: Love of Learning
Nathan is a virtual learning superstar!

Nathan Rivers: Love of Learning
Nathan’s maturity and eagerness to do well is both impressive and appreciated.  Thank you Nathan!

Nathaniel Donlon: Positivity
Nathaniel’s eagerness to participate and succeed is impressive and appreciated.  Thank you Nate!

Nathaniel Terrio: Perseverance
Nathaniel has done a great job at submitting and completing assignments this quarter!

Niamaya White: Perseverance
Nia has demonstrated a wonderful work ethic, positivity, and kindness as an all virtual learner, which is not an easy task. I have been thoroughly impressed!

Nicholas MacJarrett: Love of Learning
Nick has done a great job in Government and shows interest in the subject!

Nick Brown: Perseverance
Nick has shown incredible improvement this year and has done a wonderful job.

Noah Girard: Love of Learning
Noah always demonstrates curiosity and a desire to more fully understand situations and concepts in class. He is interested in not just sitting and listening, but also in participating and seeking out a deeper understanding in most everything we discuss. Great job Noah!

Nyasha Griffin: Love of Learning
Nyasha is eager to learn new content and strives to do her best every single day!  Thank you Nyasha!

Oliva Teta: GFNation Spirit
Oliva is a leader in the classroom, always helping out by running the Google meets, answering the chats in the chat box, and just helping in any way she can. The class wouldn’t run as smoothly without her help.

Olivia Drino: Perseverance
I had Olivia has a 9th grader and now as an 11th grader it is so great to see how she has persevered in her work to do her absolute best. She has clearly worked at becoming an excellent student.

Olivia Moon: Perseverance
Olivia has shown incredible growth in French. She works hard and is a very positive influence on the class. Her dedication to learning will take her places in life!

Olivia Teta: Love of Learning
Olivia is always asking excellent questions and is kind and helpful towards others. She is highly intelligent and has already made excellent progress this year!

Olivia Twardy: Positivity
Olivia helped me find a solution to a technical issue I had over several days. She is always willing to help out and gives her best effort each day.

Patrick Collins: Kindness
Patrick offered to pick something off the floor for me and he did not have to.  So friendly to kids coming in the morning.

Patrick Collins: Kindness
Patrick take the initiative to support late students in joining class assignments, responds kindly to peer questions and goes out of his way to make others feel valued.

Peyton Catarelli: Love of Learning
Peyton always seeks to find the deeper meaning in all of his assignments and adds great insight to class discussion.

Rhyley Howard: Perseverance
Whenever Rhyley comes in to the library, he impresses me with his focus and dedication to his work. Even when things are tough, he comes in with a smile and a kind word and strives to be his best.

Rhyley Howard: Love of Learning
Rhyley’s enthusiastic approach to problem solving has landed him into a “next level” category of learners.  Way to go Rhyley!

Robin Gorton: Positivity
Robin’s positive spirit improves the quality of each class!

Robin Gorton: Love of Learning
I would like to recognize Robin for her always positive outlook.  Her hard work and willingness to put in just that little bit of extra effort to make a positive comment to another student about their art work!

Sam Lavine: Positivity
Sam works very hard all the time.

Sherry Awan: Love of Learning
Sherry’s maturity and eagerness to do well is impressive and appreciated.  Thank you Sherry!

Sophia Chiaravalle: Perseverance
Sophia is a virtual learning superstar!

Sophia Chiaravalle: Perseverance
Sophia is working incredibly hard! She does all of her work and advocates for herself when she doesn’t understand. Keep up the good work, Sophia!

Sydney Jones: Love of Learning
Sydney is a role model for virtual learning.

Sydney Jones: Positivity
Sydney has great attendance and full participation!  Thank you Sydney for all you bring to your math class!

Sydney Snyder: GFNation Spirit
Sydney and Ella have spearheaded some volunteer opportunities including adding to the PTSA donation bins and reaching out the elementary school to have high school students read books for our elementary students. They did this independently- awesome leadership!

Sydney Snyder: Kindness
Sydney goes out of her way to make other students feel comfortable in class.  If her classmates are shy or reluctant to answer, Syd often “takes one for the team.”
 She is often the brightest spot in my day!

Timmy Antonelos: Love of Learning
Timmy always works very hard and is very conscientious about getting work done.

Timothy Zimmerman: GFNation Spirit
Tim will help others when he doesn’t have to. He is a true leader in the classroom.

Trevor DiMezza: Love of Learning
Trevor is an excellent French student who works very hard and invests considerable time in learning and growth. Keep up the good work!

Trevor DiMezza: Love of Learning
Trevor enjoys learning about finance.

Will Speer: Perseverance
Will has done a great job at completing and turning in assignments this quarter! Keep it up!

William VanLoan: Perseverance
William has persisted and made significant personal and academic improvements despite facing continued challenges.

Wyatt MacPherson: Love of Learning
Wyatt enjoys learning about finance.