Early Release Drill Day: Wednesday, Nov. 10th

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Don’t forget: TOMORROW is the NYS-mandated Emergency Release Drill Day — all students are dismissed 15 minutes earlier than usual. Elementary students are released at 2:30 p.m., while MS/HS students are released at 2:45 p.m.

Student safety is a primary goal in each of Glens Falls’ schools, and all districts in the state are required to practice various drills as part of their school safety plan. The “go home early” drill allows students and staff to review what we would do if school needed to be closed unexpectedly during the day. Both students and staff will practice the procedures we would use in a real emergency. We encourage parents and guardians to review your own family plan so that your children would know what to do, and where to go in the event of an unexpected dismissal.

After the drill, students who attend the in-school YMCA programs and those scheduled for interscholastic sports practices will be permitted to re-enter the building and go about their activities/child care as usual.

Also remember that Thursday is Veterans Day, and there is no school. Thank you to all the men and women of GF Nation who have served and sacrificed on our behalf. We appreciate you!