
You commit plagiarism if you:

  1. Turn in a paper to be graded that you have not written on your own.
  2. Copy answers from another classmate and turn it in as your own.
  3. Quote or paraphrase from another paper without crediting the original author.
  4. Use information in any kind of paper or project (for ANY subject – not just ELA).
  5. Use someone else’s idea and call it your own (or let others think it was your idea).
  6. Make up references (information sources) or list references that you haven’t used.
  7. Turn in someone else’s work with only small changes.

***Copying more than THREE CONSECUTIVE WORDS without paraphrasing (putting in your own words) is considered plagiarism***

This is not an all-inclusive list – any action which misleads or implies that someone else’s work is your own – can be plagiarism.

Consequences for Those Who Plagiarize

Category I:  Graded Assignments

(Projects/Research/Presentation/Science Labs/Tests/Quizzes/Exams/Essays)

  • 1st offense:  Warning with maximum 75% credit on alternate test/assignment/lab/essay for all parties involved.  For example, if the original assignment is being graded on 100% and the student earned 100% the student’s grade would be 75%.

Parent called by teacher and documentation sent to administrator.

  • 2nd Offense:  0% credit – All parties involved will receive a grade of zero or zero credit for the assignment.

Parent called by teacher and a conference held with guidance counselor, teacher, parent and student.

  • 3rd Offense:  Administrative involvement.

Category II:  Homework:  Consequences are left to the teacher’s discretion.

Students will be given the chance to discuss any violation with their teacher and/or guidance counselor for both Category I and II offenses.