COVID-19 Reopening Plan: Remote Instruction

Q: What would a typical day of all-virtual (remote) learning look like for students?

graphic of Chromebook outline and GF arrowhead with text: in the fall of 2020, every Glens Falls student K-12 will have their own take-home-enabled touchscreen Chromebook

Students enrolled in the All-Virtual Model will receive full instruction in all core/required classes covering the same material that is delivered in person, in real time, by participating in a Google Meet simulcast of in-classroom instruction. (Some elective options may not be available in the virtual model.) Students are expected to follow their schedule remotely, joining their Google Meets at the beginning of each class period. Teachers will take attendance daily, period by period through eSchool. Authentic grades will be recorded, and expectations for learning will be the same for students at home and students in the building. Report cards will be issued with grades (not Pass/Incomplete). All students with 504 accommodations, IEP’s or ENL services will receive services based on their individual needs. This synchronous instruction will allow students to be fully ready to transition back into in-person school in the future. 

Our educational plan is developed so that whether delivered in-person, remotely, or through a hybrid model, there are clear opportunities for instruction that are accessible to all students. These opportunities are aligned with New York State standards, and include routine scheduled times for students to interact and seek feedback and support from their teachers.

The district will provide multiple ways for students to participate in learning and demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in the all-virtual and hybrid in-person models.

If choosing the All-Virtual model, parents must commit to all-virtual for the full fall trimester (through late November for grades K-4) or semester (through late January for MS/HS), when we will re-evaluate our district-wide plan and make decisions about the spring semester. 

If choosing the Hybrid/In-Person model, parents may switch to All-Virtual at any point once school starts, BUT once going all-virtual, students may not switch back to in-person until the end of the trimester/semester. Once a family chooses the all-virtual option for a student, they stay all-virtual through the fall.