Business Office
The Glens Falls City District Board of Education believes that long-term financial health and stability of the school district is essential to provide students with the educational programs and facilities to meet its mission.
The ARP Act provides funding to help schools return safely to in-person instruction, maximize in-person instructional time, sustain the safe operation of schools, and address the academic, social, emotional, and mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nation’s students. The Glens Falls City School District initial ARP planning was informed by feedback we received from stakeholders within the context of developing our COVID-19 Reopening Plan.
The District invites the community, including parents, employees, and other stakeholders, to provide public comments regarding the use of this funding in these categories. All comments should be emailed to These emails and the associated feedback will be reviewed on an ongoing basis through the duration of the ARP grant period. Once our initial ARP application is approved by the New York State Education Department, it will be posted in this location. The district will incorporate feedback received from stakeholders within the community as we monitor the results of our intervention efforts and make adjustments. Revisions to the initial ARP plan and application will be posted as they are approved by the New York State Education Department. The district’s initial plan is outlined below:
Our plans for non-recurring expenses in the area of maximizing in-person instruction time.
· School schedules will be developed to ensure in-person instruction time is maximized for all students attending the Glens Falls City School District
Our plans for non-recurring expenses in the area of operating schools and meeting the needs of students.
· COVID-19 supplies
· Outdoor tents (if necessary for social distancing at meal times)
· Flexible furniture for classrooms and cafeterias
Our plans for non-recurring expenses in the area of purchasing educational technology.
· Chromebook devices and licenses
· Desktop upgrades
· IT infrastructure upgrades
Our plans for non-recurring expenses in the area of addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on students, including the impacts of interrupted instruction and learning loss and the impacts on low-income students, children with disabilities, English language learners, and students experiencing homelessness.
· Summer programs to re-acclimate students
· Replacement of reading and math materials
· Update leveled book reading materials for learning loss
· Additional AIS
Our plans for non-recurring expenses in the area of implementing evidence-based strategies to meet students’ social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs.
· Professional Development focused on restorative community building circles
· Professional Development focused on equity/inclusion
Our plans for non-recurring expenses in the area of offering evidence-based summer, afterschool, and other extended learning and enrichment programs.
· K-12 summer program opportunities
· Expansion of afterschool STEAM programs
Our plans for non-recurring expenses in the area of supporting early childhood education.
· Diagnostic assessments
· Summer Kindergarten activities for incoming students
· Pre-kindergarten reading materials
The following programs will continue beyond the availability of federal funds and we will use the following local funds in order to minimize disruption to core academic and other school programs.
· Ongoing AIS services
Additional documents
GFSD – ARP-ESSER State Budget Reporting Survey (Spending Plan Update) (6-28-22)
GFSD – ARP ESSER Application, Part 2 (Approved)
GFSD – ARP ESSER Application, Part 2 Budget Narrative (Approved)
GFSD – ARP ESSER Application, Part 2 FS-10 (Approved)
GFSD – ARP ESSER After School Program Budget Narrative (12-13-21)
GFSD – ARP ESSER State-Level Reserve Budget Narrative (2-8-22)
GFSD – ARP ESSER State-Level Reserve Summer Learning and Enrichment Budget Narrative (12-13-21)
GFSD – ARP ESSER State Reserves: Application, Approved (2-23-22)
GFSD – ARP State Reserves: Summer Learning (12-14-21)
GFSD – ARP ESSER 1% SL Reserve Summer FS-10-F (11-3-22)
GFSD – ARP State Reserves: Comp. After School (12-14-21)
GFSD – ARP State Reserves: Learning Loss (12-14-21)
GFSD – ARP ESSER 5% State Level Reserve FS-10-A #001 (1-18-23)
Business Office
15 Quade Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801
P: 518-792-1451 | F: 518-792-1538
Anthony Cammarata, Assistant Superintendent for Business: 518-792-1481
Janice Casey, Treasurer: 518-792-1451
Patty Goodspeed, Payroll: 518-792-1451
Linda Shea, Accounts Payable: 518-792-1481