Special Education
The Glens Falls City School District is committed to ensuring that all students with a disability receive a quality education in the least restrictive environment. Each student is recognized for his or her potential, as well as his or her unique needs. The Special Education Department provides specially-designed instruction, services, programs, adaptations, and modification where necessary to support learning. The goal of the district is for each child to become a responsible, contributing member of the world community.
The district provides the following services:
Speech Therapy
Psychological Counseling
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Resource Room Supplemental Instruction
Consultant Teacher Services
Special Class Instruction
Transitional Support Services
High School GED
All special education placements are determined by the Committee on Special Education, the Subcommittee on Special Education, and the Committee on Preschool Special Education. These committees, in conjunction with parents and teachers, develop Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for each child who qualifies for services. The IEP includes information about the unique learning needs of each student, learning styles, social and physical development and student management needs. The IEP also includes annual goals with progress reported throughout the school year and is reviewed annually.
Additional Resources
Special Education in New York State for Children Ages 3-21: A Parent’s Guide
Procedural Safeguards Notice
Regulations of the Commissioner of Education
U.S. Department of Education Information in the Individuals with Disabilities Act
The Special Education offices are located in the Sanford Street School building at 10 Sanford St.
P: 518-793-7395
F: 518-793-7399
Elizabeth Malone, Ex. Dir. of Pupil Personnel Services
Rebecca Vanderklish, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Jenine Klippel, CSE Chairperson
Heather Heinz, Preschool CSE Chairperson