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Curriculum + Instruction

Glens Falls City School District takes great pride in the educational program that it provides to students and recognizes that collaborative efforts are essential to creating a successful learning environment. We appreciate your support and the role faculty, parents, students, and community members play in making Glens Falls City School District a place of excellence.

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Response to Intervention and Academic Intervention Services
Response to Intervention (RTI) integrates assessment and intervention within a multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement. With RtI, schools can use data to identify students at risk for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide evidence-based interventions and adjust the intensity and nature of those intervention depending on a student’s responsiveness, and identify students with learning disabilities. (NCRTI, 2010).

Academic Intervention Services (AIS) means additional instruction and/or student support services which supplement the instruction provided in the general curriculum and assist students in meeting the State learning standards. AIS is intended to provide additional support to students who are at risk of not meeting the state standards in English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Glens Falls’ current RTI plan can be found HERE.

Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)
Like school districts across the state, Glens Falls City School District is using an evaluation procedure frequently referred to as “APPR,” which stands for “annual professional performance review.” These evaluations are required for all teachers and principals in New York State’s public school districts. Learn more about this process on the APPR page.

Parent Conferences and Visits
Elementary School
The Glens Falls City School District schedules early dismissal days for parent-teacher conferences during the school year. All parents are urged to participate in these valuable parent-teacher conferences. They provide us with the Best Possible Link for ensuring excellent home-school communications and cooperation.

There are two parent-teacher conference periods scheduled during the school year: three days in the fall and one day in the spring. Dates and times are marked on the district calendar. On these conference days, elementary students are dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Please contact your child’s teacher if you feel additional conferences are needed.

Secondary School
Conferences with teachers, guidance counselors or administrators may be initiated by either the parent or the school as the need arises. It is requested that when a parent wishes to see members of the professional staff or simply visit the school, he/she make an appointment in advance by calling the school and requesting a time that is mutually convenient.

Senior High and Middle School parents are urged to schedule one conference a year with their child’s guidance counselor. Parents are also encouraged to visit the schools and to become familiar with the programs that are being offered.

Home Instruction
Home instruction is provided for children of the district who are temporarily disabled and unable to attend school for what appears to be an extended period of time (after five consecutive days). Home instruction is provided when a written request is submitted by the parent or guardian to the school Principal indicating that the child will be unable to attend school for an extended period of time. The attending doctor’s letter stating the diagnosis and prognosis of the time the child will be unable to attend school should accompany the letter of request.


Amanda Simmes, Asst. Supt. of Curriculum and Instruction

Kristy Moore, Director of MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)

To view the Glens Falls CSD Curriculum Maps, please contact the Curriculum office at 518-792-0107.

NextGen Learning Standards (NYSED)
NYSED Report Cards for Glens Falls City Schools
Comprehensive School Counseling Plan